We just released some new features (social stats, API limits, etc.) and hope they are working. If any errors, please report us at ⇒ http://tiny.cc/appshelp
Short URLs and Analytics
Exclusive URL Shortener for QR Code community users.

What's new?

You can give easy to remember custom names for our short link.
You can make your links active only within specific time range, instead of forever.
You protect your short link with a password for only intended users, instead of letting everyone opening it.
Get QR Code [☵] to quickly scan and go to its URL. Saves time and intuitive experience. New

New   We just enhanced our analytics with Device Information Device information includes Desktops(Windows, Mac, Linux), Mobiles (iPhone, Android) and Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and more) in which link's clicks are tracked. , checkout in dashboard.


  • Shortest URLs
  • Ordered (No-random) URLs
  • Custom keyword short links
  • Secured Short URLs Coming soon
    One can set password
  • Time-based Short URLs Coming soon
    Set start and end date for short link to work
  • Collections and Favorites Coming soon
    Better organize links in collections and favorite the important ones


  • Cloud-native All our services are running completely on cloud with auto-scaling setup to handle billions of URLs.
  • Highly scalable service
  • Guaranteed 99.99% uptime
  • Secured APIs with keys
  • HTTPS and SSL supported
  • Browser Extension We are releasing new extensions for Chrome, Edge and Firefox soon.


  • Real-time Stats Live reports in seconds.
  • Total clicks per dates
  • Geo location based tracking
  • Clicks from social networks
  • Auto-extraction of URL's title
  • Campaigns management Coming soon..
    Customers can track various campaign aspects with target areas, and manage them in one place.

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